Hi, I'm Irfan 👋

Hello, I'm Irfan Alamsyah a.k.a Ipan. I'm a computer science final-year student in IPB University with a strong focus on web development, particularly backend development with proficiency in languages such as Typescript and Python and experiences in frameworks such as Express.js and Django. I'm also interested in Cloud Computing and DevOps with experiences in Google Cloud Platform and Docker.

A description of my image.

With little to many experiences in:

Programming languages: C, C++, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, PHP, Go, Rust

Frameworks: Django, Express, ASP.NET, React.js, Next.js, Astro, Laravel, Ntex

Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase, SQL Server, Redis, RethinkDB

Others: Git, Docker, Linux, REST API, GraphQL, Microservice Architecture, Google Cloud Platform

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