Code Breakdown
import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
import io
import os
from itertools import cycle
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from keep_alive import keep_alive
These lines of code import packages and modules required. discord
and discord.ext
is API wrapper for discord. It’s basically essential for this project. io
is required to sending attachment (images, videos, etc). os
and dotenv
is required to take credential from .env
file. itertools
is required to make the discord bot presence changing periodically. keep_alive
is required for so the bot is always running
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='.')
channel_id = int(os.getenv("CHANNEL_ID"))
status = cycle (["by @sooji & @kuntuy", "DM to send a menfess"])
The first line runs function to loads credential from .env
file. The next line instantiate the bot. The next 4 line is pretty much self-explanatory
async def on_ready():
print('{0.user} is on'.format(client))
These lines of code prints the bot name and discriminator and runs a function to change the bot activity presence
async def change_status():
await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(next(status)))
async def pull_attachment(attachment):
file = io.BytesIO()
return discord.File(file, filename=attachment.filename)
async def pull_files(abc):
if len(abc) < 1:
elif len(abc) > 0:
files = [await pull_attachment(attachment) for attachment in abc]
return files
These lines of code defines a function to change the bot activity presence, a function to pull attachment and file from user
async def ping(ctx):
await ctx.send('pong')
These lines of code defines a function to send pong
when the user send .ping
async def ct(ctx):
if ctx.message.guild != None:
channel1 = client.get_channel(channel_id)
archived_threads = channel1.archived_threads()
archived_threads = await archived_threads.flatten()
index = int(len(channel1.threads) + len(archived_threads)+ 1)
if index < 10:
index = "00" + str(index)
elif index >= 10 and index <100:
index = "0" + str(index)
message_content = str(ctx.message.content)
del1 = message_content.replace(f".{str(} ", "", 1)
sent_message = f"__**{index}**__: {del1}"
thread_name = f"{index}: {del1}"
files = await pull_files(ctx.message.attachments)
message = await channel1.send(sent_message, files=files)
await message.create_thread(name = thread_name)
These lines of code defines a function to create a thread when the user send .ct [message]
async def rt(ctx, index):
if ctx.message.guild != None:
elif len(index) != 3:
await ctx.send("index format incorrect")
channel1 = client.get_channel(channel_id)
archived_threads = channel1.archived_threads()
archived_threads = await archived_threads.flatten()
thread_id = [ for thread in channel1.threads if] + [ for thread in archived_threads if]
if len(thread_id) < 1:
await"Thread not found")
elif len(thread_id) > 0:
thread = await client.fetch_channel(int(thread_id[0]))
message_content = str(ctx.message.content)
del1 = message_content.replace(f".{str(} ", "", 1)
del2 = del1.replace(f"{str(index)} ", "", 1)
files = await pull_files(ctx.message.attachments)
await thread.send(del2, files=files)
These lines of code defines a function to reply to a thread when the user send .rt [threadindex] [message]
async def m(ctx):
if ctx.message.guild != None:
channel1 = client.get_channel(channel_id)
message_content = str(ctx.message.content)
del1 = message_content.replace(f".{str(} ", "", 1)
files = await pull_files(ctx.message.attachments)
msg = await channel1.send('**Menfess:** '+del1, files=files)
await msg.add_reaction('❤️')
These lines of code defines a function to send a message when the user send .m [message]
async def tampol(ctx, member:discord.User=None):
if (member == or member == None):
await ctx.send(f"{} menampol diri sendiri!")
await ctx.send(f"{} menampol {member.mention}!")
These lines of code defines a function to send a [message author] tampol [user]
when the user send .tampol [user]
async def github(ctx):
await ctx.send('')
await ctx.send('')
These lines of code defines a function to send link to this bot repository when the user send .github
async def gangerti(ctx):
await ctx.send("""
.m | bikin menfess tanpa thread
.ct | bikin menfess pake thread
.rt | reply ke thread pakai bot
.tampol | tampol
.github | show the bot github repository
These lines of code defines a function to send help message when the user send .gangerti
keep_alive() (os.getenv("TOKEN"))
This runs keep_alive()
function and the bot